ROFFNAR=rolling on the floor for no apparent reason
ROFL=rolling on the floor laughing
ROFLAHMSL=rolling on the floor laughing and holding my sides laughing
ROFLASC=rolling on the floor laughing and scaring the cat
ROFLASTC=rolling on the floor laughing and scaring the cat
ROFLGO=rolling on floor laughing guts out!
ROFLMAO=rolling on the floor laughing my ascii off
ROFLMAOOL=rolling on the floor lauging my ass off out loud
ROFLOL=rolling on the floor laughing out loud
ROFLOLVH=rolling on the floor laughing out loud very hard
ROFLWMK=rolling on the floor laughing -- wet my knickers
ROFPML=roll on floor pissing myself laughing.
ROFTTPOF=rolling on the floor trying to put out flames
ROTBA=reality on the blink again
ROTF=rolling on the floor
ROTFFNAR=rolling on the floor for no apparent reason
ROTFL=rolling on the floor laughing
ROTFLACGU=rolling on the floor and can't get up
ROTFLAHMS=rolling on the floor laughing and holding my side
ROTFLAPMP=rolling on the floor and peeing my pants
ROTFLASTC=rolling on the floor and scaring the cat
ROTFLBTC=rolling on the floor laughing biting the carpet
ROTFLBTCASTC=rolling on the floor laughing biting the carpet and scaring the cat
ROTFLBTCASTCIIHO=rolling on the floor biting the carpet and scaring the cat if i had one
ROTFLBTCUTS=rolling on the floor biting the carpet unable to stop
ROTFLMAAOBPO=rolling on the floor laughing my ass and other body parts off
ROTFLMAO=rolling on the floor laughing my a.. off
ROTFLMTO=rolling on the floor laughing my tail off
ROTFLOL=rolling on the floor laughing out loud
ROTFLSTC=rolling on the floor laughing scaring the cat
ROTFLSTCIIHO=rolling on the floor laughing scaring the cat if i had one
ROTFSTCLMAAOBPO=rolling on the floor scaring the cat laughing my ass and other body parts off
ROTFLBTCDICAJTTWADBSTHWTRHITSBKABAYB=rolling on the floor laughing biting the carpet dancing in circles and jumping through the window almost dying by smashing trough hp who's then running horrified into the street being killed accidentally by a yellow bulldozer
ROTFLMWBTCPMPKWASTHOOMC=rolling on the floor laughing muffled while biting the carpet, pissing my pants, kicking widly, and scaring the hell out of my cats
ROTM=right on the money
RPG=role playing games
RSN=real soon now
RT=real time
RTFAQ=read the faq
RTFF=read the fine faq
RTFI=read the f---ing instructions
RTFM=read the fine manual, (or any other f-word of your own choice)
RTFMS=read the f---ing manual, sir (from the military)
RTFQ=read the f---ing question
RTFS=read the f---ing source
RTI=real time interruption
RTS=read the screen
RUMF=are you male or female?
RUOK=are you ok?
RYFM=read your fucking manual
S/O=someone (frequently just "s/o")
S/TH=something (frequently just "s/th")
S2BX=soon to be ex
SAMF=sad ass mother f---er
SAMFU=self-adjusting military f--- up
SAMFUTU=situation abnormal, more f---ed up than usual
SAPFU=surpassing all previous f--- ups
SAR=smart ass remark
SAYOR=speak at your own risk
SBB=stupid beyond belief
SBCN=sitting behind the computer naked.
SBID=s---ty but it'll do
SCNR=sorry, could not resist
SDIHTT=someday i'll have the time
SEC=second, eg. wait a sec
SEG=s--- eating grin
SEP=somebody else's problem
SETE=smiling ear to ear
SFLA=stupid four letter acronym
SFT=sorry for that
SGML=standardized general markup language
SH=s--- happens
SHID=slaps head in disgust
SHLH=sitting here lauging hysterically
SHM=shit happens, mate.
SHTS=spit hitting the spam
SHTSI=somebody had to say it
SICS=sitting in chair snickering
SIG=special interest group
SIIN=stuffed if i know!
SIL=son in law
SIMCA=sitting in my chair amused
SITD=still in the dark
SLATFATF=so long, and thanks for all the fish (4th part of thhgttg)
SLIP=single line in protocol; serial line internet protocol
SLJ=s---ty little job
SLJO=s---ty little job officer
SMAR=suck my ass raw
SMO=serious mode on
SMOF=secret master(s) of fandom
SMOFF=serious mode off
SMOP=small matter of programming
SMTP=simple mail transfer protocol
SNAC=sitting naked at computer
SNAFU=situation normal: all f---ed up
SNERT=snot-nosed egotistical rude teenager
SNFIAA=still no f---ing idea at all
SNR=signal to noise ratio
SOI=stink on ice
SOL=s--- out of luck
SOP=standing operational procedures; standard operating procedure
SOS=same old s---
SOSO=same old, same-old
SOT=short of time
SOTMG=short of time must go.
SOVS=someone very special
SPAM=slang name for unsolicited commercial email
SSDD=same s---, different day
SSIA=subject says it all
ST=star trek; such that (frequently just "s.t.")
STBY=sucks to be you
ST-DS9=star trek, deep space 9
STFU=shut the f--- up
STS=so to speak
ST-TNG=star trek, the next generation
ST-TOS=star trek, the original series
ST-VOY=star trek, voyager
SUCDIC=situation under control, dickheads in charge
SUFID=screwing up face in disgust
SUNOILTY=shut up, no one is listening to you
SUSFU=situation unchanged, still f---ed up
SUYP=shut up you pervert
SW=software; so what?; says whom?; starwars
SWAG=simple wild ass guess; scientific wild ass guess
SWAK=sealed with a kiss
SWALK=sealed with a loving kiss
SWDYRTW=since when do you rule the web?
SWL=screaming with laughter
SWMBO=she who must be obeyed
SW-SE=starwars special edition
SWYP=so what's your problem?
SYFBATM=spit your favorite beverage at the monitor
SYIC=see you in cyberspace
SYS=see you soon
SYSOP=system operator
SYT=sweet young thing
TA=thanks again
TAF=that's all, folks!
TAFN=that's all for now
TANJ=there ain't no justice
TANSTAAFL=there ain't no such thing as a free lunch
TARFU=things are really f---ed up
TBC=to be continued
TBE=to be expected
TBH=to be honest
TBYB=try before you buy
TC=telephone call; take care
TCB=taking care of business
TCBY=taking care of business, ya'll
TCD=the cat's dead
TCOY=take care of yourself
TDD=the dog's dead
TDM=too damn many
TEOTWAWKI=the end of the world as we know it
TFB=too f---ing bad
TFE=too f---ing easy
TFM=the f---ing manual
TFS=three finger salute (ctrl-alt-del)
TFTT=thanks for the thought
TGAL=think globally, act locally
TGIF=thank god its friday
TGTF=thank god tomorrow's friday
THHGTTG=the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy
THO=titty hard on
TIA=thanks in advance
TIATLG=truly, i am the living god
TIC=tongue in cheek
TIE=take it easy
TILII=tell it like it is.
TIMTOWTDI=there is more than one way to do it
TINALO=this is not a legal opinion
TINAR=this is not a recommendation
TINC=there is no cabal
TINSTAAFL=there is no such thing as a free lunch
TINWIS=that is not what i said
TIP=to insure promptness
TIWTGLGG=this is where the goofy little grin goes
TJATAW=truth, justice, and the american way
TLA=three-letter acronym (such as this)
TLC=tender loving care
TLG=the living god
TM=thread mangler
TMI=too much information
TMIKTLIU=the more i know, the less i understand
TNOTVS=theres nothing on tv so,....
TNSO=temptingly naked significant other
TNT=till next time
TNX=thanks (as in thanx)
TOFU=text oben, fullquote unten (german for: text at top, fullquote below - bad quoting style...)
TPAE=the possibilities are endless
TPS=this program sucks
TPSS=this program sucks severely
TPTB=the powers that be
TQM=total quality management
TRATEOTU=the restaurant at the end of the universe (2nd part of thhgttg)
TRDMC=tears running down my cheeks
TS=tough s---
TSJD=texas size jelly donut - official food of texas sysops
TSOHF=total sense of humor failure
TSR=terminate and stay resident program; totally stupid rules
TTBE=that's to be expected
TTBOMK=to the best of my knowledge
TTFN=ta ta for now
TTL4N=that's the lot for now
TTM=to the moderator
TTS=tiny tit syndrome
TTUL=talk (or type) to you later
TTYL=talk to you later
TTYRS=talk to you real soon
TTYS=talk to you soon
TUFD=the user file died
TVM=thanks very much
TWAIN=technology without an interesting name
TWIMC=to whom it may concern
TWYAS=that's what you all say
TWYT=that's what you think
TYCLO=turn your caps lock off
TYLE=took you long enough
TYVLYWEL=thank you very little, you're welcome even less
TYVM=thank you very much
U/L=upload, send to the bbs
UAE=unrecoverable application error (bane of windows' users!)
UBD=user brain damage
UDS=ugly domestic scene
UL=upload, send to the bbs
UNA=use no acronyms
UNCLE=unified nuclear coalition of latvian emigrants
UOK=you ok?
UPGS=unfinished project guilt syndrome
URLCM=you are welcome
USU=usually (frequently just "usu.")
UTC=under the counter; coordinated universal time
UTT=under the table
VBEG=very big evil grin (as in <vbeg>)
VBG=very big grin
VBSEG=very big s--- eating grin (as in <vbseg>)
VETLA=very enhanced tla
VH=virtual hug
VPH=visible panty line
VR=virtual reality
VT=virtual time
W/=with (frequently just "w/")
W/O=without (frequently just "w/o")
WAB=what another bill?
WAB?=what, another bill?
WADR=with all due respect
WAEF=when all else fails
WAFWOT=what a f---ing waste of time
WAG=wild ass guess
WALOC=what a load of crap
WAMKSAM=why are my kids (or kitties) staring at me?
WASA=warte auf schnelle antwort
WB=welcome back
WCAGA=what comes around, goes around
WCTYBTWHTKY=we could tell you, but then we'd have to kill you
WDF=what da f---?
WDYM=what do you mean?
WDYMBT=what do (or did) you mean by that?
WDYW=what do you want?
WEFT=wrong every f---ing time
WFHIT=what fresh hell is this? (from the writings of dorothy parker)
WFM=works for me
WGAS=who gives a s---
WIBAMU=well i'll be a monkey's uncle
WIBNI=would it be nice if
WIBNIF=wouldn't if be nice if...
WIMP=windows, icons, mouse, pointing
WIZOP=wizard sysop (the primary forum administrator for a forum)
WMMOWS=wash my mouth out with soap
WNOHGB=where no one has gone before
WOA=work of art
WOFTAM=waste of flaming time and money
WOLF=witless one line followup
WOM=word of mouth
WOMBAT=waste of money, brains, and time
WOWF=witless one word followup
WRATGAS=who really and truly gives a s---
WRT=with regard to; with respect to
WSD=willing suspension of disbelief (e.g. when watching movies)
WT=without thinking
WTF=what the f---
WTFDIC=what the f--- do i care
WTFDIK=what the f--- do i know
WTFDYTYA=who the f--- do you think you are
WTFO=what the f---, over (reply)
WTFWT=what the f--- was that?
WTG=way to go
WTH=what the hell (or heck)
WTMKF=welcome to my kill filter
WTTM=without thinking too much
WWS=wife wants sex
WWW=world wide web; world wide waste; world wide waiting; world wild web
WYGIWYG=what you got is what you get
WYGIWYPF=what you get is what you pay for
WYLABOCTGWTR=would you like a bowl of cream to go with that remark?
WYLASOMWTC=would you like a saucer of milk with that comment?
WYP=what's your point?
WYSBANRTWYG=what you see bears absolutely no relation to what you get
WYSBYGI=what you see before you get it
WYSIWYG=what you see is what you get
WYSOH=where's your sense of humor?
WYTYSYDG=what you thought you saw, you didn't get
XYZ=examine your zipper
Y2K=year 2000 (2000 = 2k)
Y3=yadda yadda yadda
Y6B=why 6 billion? (ie, overpopulation is more dangerous than y2k)
YAA=yet another acronym
YABA=yet another bloody acronym
YAC=are you available to chat?
YADS=yet another dos shell
YAFA=yet another "fine" acronym
YAFIYGI=you asked for it, you got it
YANETUT=you are not expected to understand this
YAOTM=yet another off-topic message
YAP=yet another ploy
YBS=you'll be sorry.
YBYSA=you bet your sweet ass
YCDBSOYA=you can't do business sitting on your ass!
YCDBWYCID=you can't do business when your computer is down!
YCLIU=you can look it up
YFTR=yust for that reason
YG=young gentleman
YGTBK=you've got to be kidding
YGTBSM=you've got to be s----ing me!
YHBT=you have been trolled.
YHBW=you have been warned
YHGASP=you have got a serious problem
YHGASPL=you have got a serious problem, lad!
YHGMTPO=you have greatly misunderstood the purpose of ______